Clint Eastwood - Stewie - Chuck Norris Helmet

Clint Eastwood - Stewie - Chuck Norris Helmet

Price: $4400

This custom airbrushed helmet can't be appreciated unless it is in your hands. 100% paint - No Vinyl.   So much tiny detail, along with some of the craziest helmet painting themes that I have ever seen, we sent to Awesome Bill in Las Vegas, NV.   This custom painted helmet was airbrushed according to Bill's ideas once again.  I think this was his forth or fifth custom Shoei helmet that we had done for him,  but this one was by far the most off the wall for themes, and by far the most complex and intricate of any of his airbrushed helmets.  Bill's signature is his Smiley Watchman's face on the front,  but this time,  Bill said he wanted the face to be more extreme and beaten.  On the back and sides,  we airbrushed more of his specific ideas, including Zuess fighting a dark angel or demon,  Chuck Norris,  Stalin and Order 227 coming up from a mushroom cloud, and Clint Eastwood himself, from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...   choking out Stewie from Family Guy, holding a bottle of Wild Turkey.  Like I said,  some of the craziest helmet painting ever...